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How to train like a professional boxer


This video was almost entirely inspired by my training with a boxing coach as of late. It's pretty insane how similar the boxing physique is to what we constantly promote here at Zen Dude Fitness. PLUS - you get to jump rope during your normal workout regimen - so that's always a plus! In this video we give you two training options.. 1. How to train like a professional boxer 2. How to train to get the body of a professional boxer The physique results are practically the same whether you choose to train like a boxer or just train to look like one. The difference is that with option two you will need to be much more conscious about your diet. As always - the only thing that will hold you back from the end result is... you guessed it. Not staying consistent. Plug into this regimen - put in the work - and you're going to look straight ripped like a boxer!

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